Portugal // PNR driven away by antifascists in Coimbra~ 4 min

Por Guilhotina.info
Report and images sent by comrades in Coimbra.
Yesterday, after 14:00, around three hundred people gathered in front of the Coimbra University Economics Faculty to welcome the fascists of the National Renovation Party (PNR) and Bolsonaro followers intent on winning protagonism under pretext of the Jean Wyllys conference at the Faculty.
The far-right demonstration scheduled for 15:00 was received by an ample front of different antifascist collectives during a combative afternoon. The demonstration ended at around 18:00, when the close to two dozen trolls left the scene.
Afterwards, over a hundred people from different groups gathered for an open assembly at the Faculty gardens.
Update 27/02/2019
The following day, 15 PNR members were present next to the Alentejo House in Lisbon, where Jean Wyllys gave a talk.
They spoke out against “cultural Marxism” and associated homosexuality with pedophilia. A few “words” were exchanged between them and members of Brazilian collectives.