Kurdistan // Documenting barbarity and resistance in Rojava November 20, 2019 We interviewed one of the internationalists working as the eyes of the world on the frontline against the Turkish State and its jihadi allies....
Right of reply to the Turkish propaganda published by Jornal Público November 14, 2019 One of the biggest newspapers in Portugal opens its doors to blatant Turkish propaganda for war in Syria and the ethnic cleansing of Rojava....
Kurdistan // Lisbon City Council condemns Turkish invasion November 6, 2019 The Lisbon City Council voted to condemn the Turkish invasion and attacks against the peoples of the Syrian autonomous territory....
Kurdistan // “Rojava will win, fascism will fall!” October 20, 2019 October 19th was a new day of global action in defense of Rojava. Lisbon took to the streets again....
Kurdistan // Day X has come. The Turkish invasion has begun October 13, 2019 The campaign Riseup4Rojava and the Internationalist Commune of Rojava have called for a global mobilization against the Turkish invasion....
Kurdistan // Turkey and jihadis preparing the invasion of Rojava October 8, 2019 The predictable arrival of another US betrayal of a former ally foreshadows a new ethnic cleansing attempt by Erdogan....
To appeal or to become power in the struggle for climate justice? September 26, 2019 Limits and nature of the Law in the struggle for climate justice in Portugal and comparisons to Rojava. Part of a presentation for CineClima....
“From Ashes We Rose” campaign to support Rojava farmers August 14, 2019 Every donation is a great help: the farmers need money, but above that, they also need mental support....
Kurdistan // Last ISIS bastion in Syria defeated by SDF March 25, 2019 This campaign was aimed at liberating the region of Baghouz, the last stronghold of ISIS....
Kurdistan // A year in the Internationalist Commune of Rojava March 13, 2019 We interviewed Rok Brossa, an internationalist in Rojava. We talked about internationalism, war, the role of women and the future of Rojava....